6.00 AM
TV Week catches up with the high energy Home and Away star on a typical working day and she's up before
her alarm even sounds!
Bec Cartwright who has been playing Hayley on Home and Away since 1998 and recently released her first single
" All Seats Taken " leaps into the shower.
" The first thing I do when I get up is wash my hair because we have to have clean hair for work ", Bec
Hair done she heads out to the garage. " I think I'll drive mum's car to work today ", she says. " mine's
in hospital getting fixed ".
She won't say why her own car is at the panel beaters except, " It's just got a little dent ".

7.30 AM
Bec pulls into the Network Seven studios 45 minutes early for her 8.15 call time. Bec likes to arrive early
and have a quick breakfast before charging off to make-up and wardrobe - one of her favourite stops for the day and a chance
to go over her lines.
" I actually want to be a hair and make-up artist so I'm trying to learn and get tips ", she says while
the team get to work on straighting her hair.
" It would be nice to keep acting but you don't know if you're going to get any work so I'm planning to
do a hair and make-up course whenever I finish working on Home and Away ".

8.15 AM
There's a small hiccup at wardrobe. " I put on the wrong outfit this morning so I had to go back and change
", laughs Bec but she's soon ready for her first scene.
This morning's filming is on the set of the Summer Bay Dinner. Bec has two scenes with Danny Raco who plays
Alex Poulos on the show. Each scene takes about 30 minutes to wrap.